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There is no magic bullet that cures anxiety. However there are a number of tools you can use to calm and regulate your nervous system and if you do these regularly you will notice a huge difference.

  • Breath deeply using diaphragmatic breathing

    Lie on your back and put your hand on your belly, breath deeply and slowly into your belly, forming a balloon that pushes your hand upward. Now slowly release that breath. This long, slow, deep breathing will switch you out of fight flight into rest and digest.

  • Take your attention to your breath throughout your day and slow it down - deepen it. While being in your body can feel uncomfortable, the more you slow, deep breathe the calmer you will feel.

  • Exercise - do something that gets your heart rate up, like jogging or tennis. It will make you feel better and less anxious.

  • Cut back on caffeine or cut it out entirely - it isn't great for your nervous system to be stimulated.

  • Yoga or slow body-focussed work helps to regulate your nervous system.

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