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Can Hypnosis Help You?


Hypnosis has good results with nervous disorders such as anxiety, stress, IBS, phobias and panic attacks. It can also be useful for helping with motivation in anything, such as weight loss or stopping smoking, studying, eating differently or exercising. It is fantastic for confidence building. I find different hypnotherapists have different specialities and interests. Mine is working with anxiety, phobias and anything to do with confidence building or motivation, be it preparing to speak publically or simply feeling more confident and centred in your everyday life. I find many clients come for an issue and we find an underlying issue that needs attending to first.

What is hypnosis?

I work with a variety of modalities and I use whatever tool is going to get the best results. I use EMDR for trauma therapy, hypnotherapy for positive suggestions speaking to the unconscious to bring about change and other deep psychotherapeutic techniques that help you locate the primary issue, that may be buried deep inside. I am also an energy worker, able to see energy and direct you how to shift it and move it so that your whole system is cleared. Some of the deepest healings come during the final ten minutes of the session and I have had some people step off the table after a big heart opening or kundalini rising, completely healed.

I find working while you are in a trance very beneficial. A trance is basically a meditative state. The brain becomes focussed to the exclusion of other things. It's a great state to be in when working with your unconscious. You can hear me and answer but you will feel almost as if you are a long way away. Time changes and you are likely to step off the table feeling as if two hours were 30 minutes. You are likely to be in a Theta or Alpha state. You can read about the different brain states below.

Does hypnosis work?

This information is taken from mindvalley blog:

1. Beta (14-40Hz) — The Waking Consciousness & Reasoning Wave

Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning. The voice of Beta can be described as being that nagging little inner critic that gets louder the higher you go into range. Therefore, with a majority of adults operate at Beta; it’s little surprise that stress is today’s most common health problem.

While Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, they also can translate into stress, anxiety and restlessness.

2. Alpha (7.5-14Hz) — The Deep Relaxation Wave

The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more profound the closer you get to 7.5Hz. It is the gateway to your subconscious mind and lies at the base of your conscious awareness.Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually when the eyes are closed, when you’re slipping into a lovely daydream or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration.

3. Theta (4-7.5Hz) — The Light Meditation & Sleeping Wave

Your mind’s most deep-seated programs are at Theta and it is where you experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. Unlike your other brain waves, the elusive voice of Theta is a silent voice.Theta brain waves are present during deep meditation and light sleep, including the all-important REM dream state. It is the realm of your subconsciousness and only experienced momentarily as you drift off to sleep from Alpha and wake from deep sleep (from Delta).

It is said that a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe can be experienced at Theta.

It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7Hz to 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualization, mind programming and using the creative power of your mind begins. It’s the mental state which you consciously create your reality. At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings however your body is in deep relaxation.

4. Delta (0.5-4Hz) — The Deep Sleep Wave

Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.The Delta frequency is the slowest of the frequencies and is experienced in deep, dreamless sleep and in very deep, transcendental meditation where awareness is fully detached.

Among many things, deep sleep is important for the healing process — as it’s linked with deep healing and regeneration. Hence, not having enough deep sleep is detrimental to your health in more ways than one.

5. Gamma (above 40Hz) – The Insight Wave

This range is the most recently discovered and is the fastest frequency at above 40Hz. While little is known about this state of mind, initial research shows Gamma waves are associated with bursts of insight and high-level information processing.

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