Anxiety can take many forms including performance anxiety. Performance anxiety can be debilitating at work - sharing your team's progress or speaking in a board room can feel completely over-whelming. The anxiety can build to the point where even thinking about having to present or speak in a group may make you avoid that day in the office.
Generally behind performance anxiety is a fear of something. It might be a fear of being revealed as a fraud, a fear of being judged or criticised, or being seen as worthless or not good enough. And under that is possibly a small child who learnt that being valued meant being perfect, or a small child who was hurt by being critcised or judged.
Your performance anxiety will have it's own particular story with it's own words and therapy is about understanding the roots of performance anxiety and then healing those parts so that you can be more confident.
Healing performance anxiety can include multiples therapeutic tools. I usually like to find the root cause and heal that first. We might use EMDR or do some inner child work while in hypnosis. Once we have worked on the root cause we'd move onto building a more confident self. To do this we'd use a combination of somatic work, hypnotherapy and NLP techniques. I'm a big believer in embodiment - so bringing in the feelings you need to be able to feel in the work environment, into your body, during the session, so that you can develop those neural pathways. Helping you to understand how you can shift your own state and feelings will give you a sense of empowerment. Generally most people talk about feeling a shift in the workplace after about 4-6 sessions, but sometimes it can take longer. It depends upon how deep the fear is and how flexible you are in terms of change.